Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Microsoft releases XP ServicePack2 v2.5 on 20-Sep-2004

This is v2.5 is silently appeared on the Microsoft webpage. It seems some minor glitches are now removed. In case, you are already installed some sp2 pack and running ok, I don't think you need to worry further upgrading. Since this is system update it is beter be done thru Windows Update.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Simple start

After searching for different blog systems, I found I liked Movable Type & WordPress for their Layout designs. Later I found blogspot blogs also has nice layouts.

I have a nice thing to say, "Blogspot blog is simple to manage and nice to look."

10th June 2023, Debian 12.0 (bookworm) distro is released

Bookworm Debian 12 has 11089 new packages are added to this Bookworm, with a total of over 64419 packages.  Most of the software in the dist...